“Hope does not disappoint” ~ Romans 5:5
Today, we celebrate the 33rd World Day of the Sick, which was established by Pope John Paul II, and is celebrated each year on February 11th, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is an opportunity to devote special attention to the sick and to those who provide them with assistance and care, both in health care institutions and within families and communities. As we celebrate the World Day of the Sick in this Jubilee year of Hope, we are all invited to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. We reflect on the hope that strengthens us in times of sickness. According to Pope Francis in his encouraging message taken from St Paul’s letter to the Romans, he reflects on this year’s theme, “Hope does not disappoint” (Romans 5:5); indeed, it strengthens us in times of trial. He goes on to say, ‘God does not abandon us and often amazes us by granting us a strength that we never expected and would never have found on our own’.”
Catholics and all Christians are being urged to reflect during this year’s World Day of the Sick on the “grace-filled encounters” which can emerge at times of adversity. Pope Francis goes on to say in his message, “How can we be strong, for example, when our bodies are prey to severe, debilitating illnesses that require costly treatment that we may not be able to afford?”, .“How can we show strength when, in addition to our own sufferings, we see those of our loved ones who support us yet feel powerless to help us? “In these situations, we sense our need for a strength greater than our own. We realise that we need God’s help, His grace, His Providence, and the strength that is the gift of His Spirit.” According to Pope Francis, God remains close to those who are suffering in three particular ways: through encounter, gift and sharing.
Pope Francis emphasized how suffering can become “an occasion for a transformative encounter” with God. The pontiff pointed out that these ways are profound paths of providential companionship during times of trial. He also addressed all those “who are ill or who care for the suffering,” telling them: “Your journey together is a sign for everyone: ‘a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope.’” The 88-year-old Pope wrote from personal experience, having faced several health challenges in recent years, including knee problems requiring a wheelchair, respiratory infections, and, most recently, a fall resulting in a forearm contusion. “In times of illness, we sense our human frailty on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels,” the Pope wrote. “Yet we also experience the closeness and compassion of God, who, in Jesus, shared in our human suffering.” Pope Francis emphasized that God’s first way of being close is through presence, noting that suffering “becomes an occasion for a transformative encounter, the discovery of a solid rock to which we can hold fast amid the tempests of life.”
Addressing the second aspect, gift, Pope Francis cited Venerable Madeleine Delbrêl, emphasizing that hope comes primarily from the Lord as “a gift to be received and cultivated.”. In his message, the Pope explained that the third dimension of divine closeness manifests through sharing, particularly in health care settings where mutual enrichment often occurs between patients, medical staff, and family members. “How often, when we care for those in need, do we discover love! We realise that we are ‘angels’ of hope and messengers of God for one another … whether patients, physicians, nurses, family members, friends, priests, men and women religious, no matter where we are, whether in the family or in clinics, nursing homes, hospitals or medical centres. “We need to learn how to appreciate the beauty and significance of these grace-filled encounters. “We need to learn how to cherish the gentle smile of a nurse, the gratitude and trust of a patient, the caring face of a doctor or volunteer, or the anxious and expectant look of a spouse, a child, a grandchild or a dear friend. “All these are rays of light to be treasured.” The Pope’s message highlights the importance of the healing ministry, especially in the ‘dark night of adversity’ which we all face at different times of our lives. The legacy of our ministry and the people who have contributed continues to guide us to the most difficult of spaces, where we are called to serve, accompany, and provide care, hope and comfort to those who we serve at the most darkest times of their adversities.
The pope concluded his message with a special word of gratitude to health care workers and those who care for the sick, calling their shared journey “a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope.” He entrusted all who are ill to the intercession of Mary, Health of the Sick, and asked for prayers for himself.
The World Day of the Sick is traditionally celebrated on Feb. 11, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Heal Your People, Hear Our Prayer (World Day of the Sick February 11, 2025)
“Lord, hear my prayer; let my cry come to you. Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly.” Psalm 102:2-3
Illness reveals our human vulnerabilities, which is exactly where God meets us.
Let us pray for God’s healing presence in all the world’s ailments:
For the sick and those impacted by illness of mind, body, or spirit,
For those bound by injustice or who live in fear.
God of wholeness and hope, heal your people
For the imprisoned and those who care for them,
For migrants and refugees escaping violence and those who welcome them,
For the elderly and anyone who feels forgotten by society,
God of wholeness and hope, heal your people
For safe spaces of healing in all corners of creation:
facilities, homes, churches, and everywhere in between,
For those who offer and those who receive compassionate care therein,
God of wholeness and hope, heal your people. Amen 🙏🏽
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 33rd World Day of the Sick, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes | February 11, 2025 |
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