The FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION is a Catholic practice that involves attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion and praying and adoring before the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday of each month for nine months in a row. The devotion originated in the 17th century after Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary and spoke of His Sacred Heart. Jesus promised that those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays of nine consecutive months will receive the grace of final perseverance. The devotion is a way to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to atone for sins. The devotion is also known as the Communions of Reparation to the Sacred Heart or the Nine First Fridays Devotion. The Roman Catholic Church fully approved the devotion. 

Some elements of the First Fridays Devotion include:

  • Sacramental Confession: A preparation for the devotion 
  • Holy Communion: Received on the first Friday of each month for nine months in a row 
  • Holy Hour: Spent in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament 
  • Prayer for the Holy Father: A prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father 

The devotion is said to offer many spiritual blessings, including:

  • Increased Grace: The soul is strengthened and intimacy with Christ is deepened through the frequent reception of the Eucharist
  • Inner Peace: Trusting in Jesus’ promises can bring comfort in times of trial
  • Forgiveness and Healing: Reparation for sins can bring peace to the heart and renewal in Christ
  • Final Perseverance: Those who complete the devotion with love and faith are assured of Christ’s presence at the moment of death

The FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS DEVOTION originated from the 1917 apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. During these apparitions, Our Lady asked for acts of reparation to be made on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, with the intention of atoning for the sins committed against her Immaculate Heart. While the Sacred Heart of Jesus promises abundant blessings, including peace, consolation, and assistance at the hour of death, to those who faithfully observe nine consecutive First Fridays. Similarly, Our Lady extends her maternal protection and the promise of salvation to those who commit to five consecutive First Saturdays in honor of her Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady promises her assistance and graces especially at the hour of death, as well as peace and consolation in families and eventual salvation for those who faithfully practice the First Five Saturdays devotion. It involves attending Mass, receiving communion, praying the Rosary, and meditating on its mysteries on 5 consecutive first Saturdays with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The promises of Mary for the First Five Saturdays devotion:
* On each First Saturday, after receiving communion, reciting the Rosary, and meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary, Our Lady promised to assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation all those who make this devotion in reparation to Her Immaculate Heart.
* Our Lady promised to grant peace to families who fulfill this devotion.
* Those who fulfill the devotion will be consoled by Our Lady and will see Her eventually in heaven.
* Our Lady promised to assist in the salvation of those who practice this devotion by the graces of Her Immaculate Heart.

These First Saturday Prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary are recommended for those participating in the Five First Saturdays devotion.

Please see below links for both First Fridays and First Saturdays Devotions:

First Fridays Devotion:

First Fridays and First Saturdays Devotions: