[The Saint Andrew’s Christmas Novena prayer below is traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30, the Feast of Saint Andrew, through Christmas Eve.]

THE LITURGICAL YEAR IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH [Please see link to this article below]

THE SAINTS: WHO ARE THEY AND HOW ARE THEY CANONISED? [Please see link to the article below]

PURGATORY: WHAT IS PURGATORY? [Please see link to this article below]


*CHRISTMAS NOVENA AND THE “O ANTIPHONS” OF ADVENT – DECEMBER 16 – 24: This Christmas Novena starts on December 16th [Christmas Novena Link Below]

Greetings and blessings, beloved family and Happy Monday of the Third Week of Advent!

On this Special Feast day, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and the Saints, we pray for God’s grace and mercy and for the safety and well-being of our children and for peace in our family and the whole world and we continue to remember the souls of the faithful departed and the souls in Purgatory. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their gentle souls and souls of all the faithful ù peace with our Lord Jesus Christ… Amen 🙏 ✝️🕯✝️🕯✝️🕯

“Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their abors for their good deeds go with them.” ~ Rev 14:13

PRAYER FOR THE DEAD: In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters. In this life, you embraced them with your tender love; deliver them now from every evil, and bid them eternal rest. The old order has passed away: welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain, but fullness of peace and joy with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen🙏

Watch “Holy Mass from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy” | December 16, 2024 |

Watch “Holy Mass and Holy Rosary| on EWTN on YouTube” | December 16, 2024 |

Pray “Holy Rosary for Peace with Pope Francis” | LIVE Basilica of St. Mary Major | October 6, 2024 |

Pray “Holy Rosary Novena From Lourdes” | December 16, 2024 |

Pray “The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song”| December 16, 2024 |


Memorare Chaplet | Prayer in Difficult Times (Powerful Prayer) |

*Today’s Bible Readings: Monday December 16, 2024
Reading 1, Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Gospel, Matthew 21:23-27





CHRISTMAS NOVENA: DECEMBER 16 – 24: Pray the Christmas Novena for 9 consecutive days starting today, December 16th. This novena is prayed in conjunction with the “O Antiphons,” of Advent shown below.

(CHRISTMAS NOVENA PRAYERS – Pray More Novenas – Novena Prayers & Catholic Devotion

(How to pray the ‘Christmas Novena’ that’s been said for 300 years | Catholic News Agency ~

(Holy Christmas novena, here’s a YouTube link ~

The link below is Magnificat Novena to the Holy Child Jesus, December 16 -24
(Novena to the Holy Child Jesus ~

CHRISTMAS NOVENA: DECEMBER 16 – 24: This Christmas Novena starts on December 16th. Pray the Christmas Novena for 9 consecutive days starting today, December 16th. This novena is prayed in conjunction with the “O Antiphons,” of Advent shown below. These prayers can be used during the Novena of Christmas, or at any other time. Please pray this novena as a preparation for the coming of our Lord on Christmas!


OPENING PRAYER (for each day of the novena): Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment At which the Son of God was born Of a most pure Virgin At a stable at midnight in Bethlehem In the piercing cold At that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, To hear my prayers and grant my desires (Mention your intentions here) Through Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother. Amen🙏

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Lord, Word of God, You, whose glory is complete, came to us in perfect humility as a child in the womb. Your love for us and Your humility is unsurpassed and brings us to our knees in prayer and worship. Your incarnation forever changed the world.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

O Lord, infant Jesus, fill us with Joy! The birth of any child is a cause for joy and so much more is the birth of You, our Savior. We pray in union with Mary, Your mother, for a greater joy this Christmas.

We also pray for these intentions… (State your intentions here)

May Your Holy Will be done in my life and with these intentions.

We pray that the work of salvation that Your first coming began will reach fulfillment in each of us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

‘O Antiphons’

From Dec. 17 to 23, the liturgy uses seven short prayers that have special richness and importance. Known as the “O antiphons” or the “greater antiphons,” these prayers compress and express the Old Testament Messianic hope for Christ. These antiphons are read each day at vespers and are used as the alleluia verse of the Advent Masses.

Each antiphon is a mosaic of biblical references, collected and written in a style called anthological. The unknown author of these beautiful prayers lived around the sixth or seventh century. The author chose seven titles whose first letters are S-A-R-C-O-R-E. Read in reverse order, these letters form the two Latin words “ero cras,” meaning “Tomorrow I shall be.”

Note: A poetic translation of the “O antiphons” from the original Latin is used in this edition.

Day 1 ~ December 16

Scripture reading: Isaiah 56:6–7

Consideration: Advent prepares our minds and hearts for the coming of the Word of God. It is a gentle time, a time to watch that the word of Scripture does not fall on the rocky ground of distraction, nor by the wayside with our many cares, nor among thorns, caught up in flashy advertisements. It is to fall upon the rich soil of our minds and hearts where the Word of God can bury itself deep and bring forth fruit. The Lord is already near! Let us admit that we need his power and help. Come, Lord Jesus! Give us the gift of yourself.

Antiphon: Behold the king will come, the Lord of the earth, and he will remove from us the yoke of our captivity. (cf. Hab 2:3; 1 Cor 4:5)


Intercessions: Jesus, light of the world, we wait in darkness, but also in hope for your coming; — show yourself to us in mercy and love.

Lord of Israel, you showed yourself to Moses in a burning bush; — stretch forth your mighty arm and come to save us.

Jesus, born of Mary, we pray with joyful hearts and wait with her in prayer; — come, Adonai!

Jesus, life of our bodies and souls, — by your coming let us be immersed in the mystery of your incarnation.

CLOSING PRAYER (To be said after the intercessions each day of the novena): Let us pray. Come to live among us, Lord, so that we may always receive your forgiveness and mercy. Jesus our king, clothed in a robe of flesh, give us love, wisdom, and understanding at your birth. Reveal to us the mystery of your life, then send us forth to reveal your Word over all the earth. You who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen 🙏

December 16: O Shepherd that rulest Israel, Thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep, come to guide and comfort us.

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 17: O Wisdom that comest out of the mouth of the Most High, that reachest from one end to another, and orderest all things mightily and sweetly, come to teach us the way of prudence!

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 18: O Adonai, and Ruler of the house of Israel, Who didst appear unto Moses in the burning bush, and gavest him the law in Sinai, come to redeem us with an outstretched arm!

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 19: O Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign of the people, at Whom the kings shall shut their mouths, Whom the Gentiles shall seek, come to deliver us, do not tarry.

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 20: O Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel, that openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth, come to liberate the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 21: O Dayspring, Brightness of the everlasting light, Son of justice, come to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death!

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 22: O King of the Gentiles, yea, and desire thereof! O Corner-stone, that makest of two one, come to save man, whom Thou hast made out of the dust of the earth!

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 23: O Emmanuel, our King and our Law-giver, Longing of the Gentiles, yea, and salvation thereof, come to save us, O Lord our God!

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

December 24: O Thou that sittest upon the cherubim, God of hosts, come, show Thy face, and we shall be saved.

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be.

The “O Antiphons” are prayed for 7 days in preparation for Christmas: December 17–23. For those familiar with the Liturgy of the Hours, these are the antiphons used with the Magnificat each day. They are based on Isaiah’s prophecies and reveal the different titles given to the Messiah.

O Sapientia (O Wisdom) Isaiah 11:2–3; 28:29
O Adonai (O Lord) Isaiah 11:4–5; 33:22
O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse) Isaiah 1:1; 11:10
O Clavis David (O Key of David) Isaiah 9:6; 22:22
O Oriens (O Rising Sun) Isaiah 9:1
O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations) Isaiah 9:5; 2:4
O Emmanuel (God with us) Isaiah 7:14

Since each antiphon is short, it is helpful to spend time reading it each day, pondering it and praying it meditatively throughout the day as a way to make immediate spiritual preparation for Christmas.

December 17: O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love:
come to teach us the path of knowledge!

December 18: O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:
come to rescue us with your mighty power!

December 19: O Root of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay!

December 20: O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!

December 21: O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.

December 22: O King of all nations and keystone of the Church: come and save man, whom you formed from the dust!

December 23: O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God!

Christ goes before us. He is the Lamb without sin who will open to us the gates of heaven. He is the high priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech. He is the king of justice and his reign is eternal. 🙏

SAINT OF THE DAY: MEMORIAL OF SAINT ADELAIDE OF BURGUNDY, QUEEN – FEAST DAY ~ DECEMBER 16TH: Today, we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Adelaide of Burgundy, Queen. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and the Saints, we humbly pray for God’s grace and mercy as we prepare for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ during this season of Advent. Praying for hope, faith, love, joy and peace in our world today, as we face these incredibly challenging times. We pray for God’s deliverance from impossible causes or situations. We pray for the safety and well-being of all those traveling during this season of Christmas. Through the intercession of St. Adelaide, we pray for those in second marriages, in-laws, step parents and all parents, abuse victims and prisoners. We pray for the sick and dying, especially sick children, those who are mentally and physically ill, strokes, heart diseases, those suffering from cancers and other terminal diseases. We pray for the souls in Purgatory and the repose of the souls of the faithful departed and we pray for all widows and widowers. We pray for torture victims, the poor, the needy and the most vulnerable in our communities and around the world. We pray for all parents and children, for peace, love, justice and unity in our marriages, our families and our world. And we continue to pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, the Bishops, the Clergy, for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, for the Church, for persecuted christians, for the conversion of sinners, and Christians all over the world… Amen🙏

SAINT ADELAIDE OF BURGUNDY, QUEEN: St. Adelaide (931-999 A.D.) also known as St. Adelaide of Italy was a truly remarkable woman, a virtuous daughter of King Rudolph II of Burgundy, France. St. Adelaide was promised in marriage when she was only two years old, to a man named Lothaire, the son and heir of his enemy, Hugh of Provence. She was married at the age of sixteen to King Lothaire of Italy as a means of ending a feud. She was widowed after three years when her husband was murdered by a rival prince, and she suffered much at the hands of Berengarius II of Friuli who had taken over the kingdom. She was shut up in captivity, imprisoned for refusing a second politically motivated marriage. However, when the German Emperor, Otto I came to rule Italy, she accepted his rescue and offer of marriage. They had four children, the future Otto II and three daughters, two of whom became nuns. Pope John Xll crowned Otto I as the Holy Roman Emperor on February 2, 962 A.D., and St. Adelaide was crowned as the Holy Roman Empress. She ruled with her husband until his death on May 7, 973.

When her son, Otto II succeeded her husband, St. Adelaide exercised influence over her son Otto II until their estrangement in 978. St. Adelaide experienced a particularly difficult time because of the problems that arose between her and her son Otto II and his wife. She was driven and banished from the court twice by her jealous daughter-in-law, Empress Theophano. Yet she remained steadfast and faithful, known for her liberality in giving and her piety. She left the court and lived in Burgundy with her brother King Conrad. At Conrad’s urging, she became reconciled with her son, and, before his death in 983, Otto II appointed her his regent in Italy. With her daughter-in-law, Empress Theophano, she upheld the right of her three-year-old grandson, Otto III, to the German throne. She lived in Lombardy from 985 to 991, when she returned to Germany to serve as sole regent after Theophano’s death (991). When both of them died, in 991, St. Adelaide was eventually restored to the court to rule the empire as regent Queen onward until her minor grandson Otto III came of age in 994 and became Holy Roman emperor in 996. She used her position, power and influence to help the poor, evangelize her people, increased evangelization especially in northern Europe, built and restored many  monasteries and churches. She showed rare prudence and understanding and was active in the reforms of the great abbey at Cluny brought about by St. Majolus and Odilo. Toward the end of her full life, St. Adelaide retired to a convert in Germany, spending her remaining days in prayer at a Benedictine monastery of Seltz Alsace that she had founded near Strasbourgh and prepared herself for a holy death, which took place on December 16, 999 and she was canonized in 1097 by Pope Urban II. St Adelaide is the Patron Saint of abuse victims; brides; empresses; exiles; in-law problems; parenthood; parents of large families; princesses; queens; prisoners; second marriages; step-parents; widows.  Her feast day is December 16.

Despite her exalted status, St. Adelaide was a wife and mother, and lived both hard times and good, always faithful to her Lord, and always ready to give generously to those in need. She never took revenge on her political enemies once she gained the regency and it was said that her court was much like a monastery itself in its piety. She is a reminder to us that regardless of how much or how little we may have, our work remains the same.

PRAYER: God, You gladden us each year by the feast of St. Adelaide. Grant that as we honor her in such festivities we may also imitate her example in  our conduct. Amen.🙏


Bible Readings for today, Monday of the Third Week of Advent | USCCB |

Gospel Reading ~ Matthew 21:23-27

John’s baptism: where did it come from?”

“When Jesus had come into the temple area, the chief priests and the elders of the people approached him as he was teaching and said, “By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority?” Jesus said to them in reply, “I shall ask you one question, and if you answer it for me, then I shall tell you by what authority I do these things. Where was John’s baptism from? Was it of heavenly or of human origin?” They discussed this among themselves and said, “If we say ‘Of heavenly origin,’ he will say to us, ‘Then why did you not believe him?’ But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ we fear the crowd, for they all regard John as a prophet.” So they said to Jesus in reply, “We do not know.” He himself said to them, “Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things.”

In today’s Gospel reading, the religious leaders put a question to Jesus, ‘What authority have you for acting like this?’ The context of that question was Jesus’ cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem. They wanted to know what authority Jesus had for doing what He did. Jesus did not answer their question, because it was the question of people who were not open to what God was doing in the life of John the Baptist or in the life of Jesus. Jesus’ authority to do what He did in the temple derives from the fact that He is Emmanuel, God-with-us. God was present and active in and through Jesus and that gave Jesus the authority to do what He did in the temple, the house of God. Jesus’ sometimes used His authority to heal the broken and to enlighten those in darkness. At other times He used His authority to renew what needed renewing. The Lord continues to exercise His authority today by prompting and guiding such renewal as it is needed. This Advent we are asked to humbly open our hearts to this good work of the Lord in our own lives and in the life of our church. The Gospel of Matthew knows where Jesus gets His authority. From the very first chapter of this Gospel we are told that one of Jesus’ names is Emmanuel, which means ‘God is with us’. God is present in a unique way in Jesus, and that is why Jesus has such authority in God’s house, the Temple. Because Jesus is God with us, Jesus knows what is in keeping with God’s will and what is not. He clearly saw that the way the Temple was being run was not in accordance with God’s will. We are drawing ever closer to the feast of the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. We celebrate the birth of this child because we recognize that He came to reveal God’s will for our lives by all that He said and did. He not only reveals God’s will for our lives; He also empowers us to live in this way by pouring the Holy Spirit into our hearts.

Our first reading today from the Book of Numbers is the prayer and the words of blessings which Balaam the seer spoke for the whole people of Israel when he was paid and told by King Balak, king of Moab to curse the Israelites which at that time had come upon the land and threatened the kingdom of Moab. Balaam was a famous seer and man of great wisdom from Mesopotamia, and his renown made the Moabite king to pay him for his services. But God had a different plan for His people, and instead of a curse that was asked by the king of Moab, the seer Balaam was filled with the Holy Spirit of God and through God’s Wisdom and guidance, he instead proclaimed a great blessing over all the Israelites, blessing them for all of their deeds and works, and for their endeavours and efforts, for the great nation which they shall established. Of course naturally such a change in action led to a great disappointment and anger from the king of Moab who had employed Balaam to curse the Israelites. To have heard Balaam blessing his enemies instead of cursing them must have incensed the Moabite king. But Balaam spoke truthfully and courageously, saying that he was inspired by God and he could not say what the Lord did not want him to say, and he obeyed God’s words and commandments, and did as he had been told to do, to bless all those people just as He desired it. And not only that, as we have also heard at the end of our first reading passage today, there was also a prophecy mentioned by Balaam, as he witnessed and saw the glimpse of the coming of God’s salvation, a Figure that he was not yet able to perceive, and yet, this Figure, the Star of Jacob, would be the Saviour of all, and He would come into the world. At that time, the meaning of such a prophecy must have been vague at best, but now we all know that Balaam was truly speaking and prophesying about the coming of Christ, the Saviour of the world, the Star of Jacob, the Star of David, the One Who would bring all of God’s people back to Him and reconcile them with their loving Father and Creator, and the One to redeem all of us from our many sins and wickedness. This is a truly great reminder for us at this juncture of time when we are close to the beginning of Christmas, reminding us all what it is that we are really celebrating this Christmas, and how we ought to prepare ourselves to celebrate the memory of the glorious coming of our Saviour, Lord and King, born in our midst in Bethlehem as a Child, the Child Who would save all of us mankind from the destruction due to our sins.

As we reflect on the words of the Sacred Scriptures today, as we progress ever closer to the time of joy and celebration in Christmas, we are being reminded yet again of the coming of God’s salvation, and all the assurance of His guidance and Presence in our midst, which He has promised and reassured us with from the very beginning of time. God did not abandon us to the darkness, but He has always patiently and lovingly guided each and every one of us to His path, giving us the assistance necessary to help us and all the patient care and providence for us, even when we have erred and stubbornly refused to follow Him. This time of Advent, each and every one of us as Christians must spend the time to reflect carefully upon this great love of God that has been shown to us, and be appreciative and thankful for all that He has done all these while for our sake. We are reminded that we must not allow ourselves to be swayed by the temptations of worldly glory, honour, splendour, fame and all the things that can easily lead us astray and bring us towards our downfall due to sin and evil. Instead, we should always put the Lord our God at the very centre of our lives and existence, and put Him at the core of everything that we say and do in all of our whole lives, in every opportunites and moments we have with us. Otherwise, we may end up like those chief priests, Temple officials, Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who had allowed their ego and ambition, their desires and worldly attachments to fame and vainglory to mislead them down the wrong path, and closed their hearts and minds to the truth of God. As we continue to progress through this season of Advent ever closer to Christmas, let us all therefore continue to use this moment and time given to us well so that we can truly prepare ourselves wholeheartedly, physically and spiritually to be able to celebrate Christmas worthily and properly, with the right focus, purpose and intention. We are called to emulate the Saints and Holy men and women, particularly those we celebrate today, Saint Adelaide of Burgundy, Queen. Let us always remind one another that Christmas is truly about Christ, about the Love of God manifested to us, in His love and desire to bless us all most wonderfully, as He had done through the seer Balaam and many others, so that all of us may truly be reunited with Him, and be worthy to enjoy forever the fullness of His grace, love and compassion. May God in His infinite grace and mercy, grant us His grace and bless us all, at all times, and especially now as we prepare ourselves throughout this blessed season of Advent, to welcome Him worthily at Christmas. May God bless our Advent journey and our respective lives. Amen 🙏 .


MONTH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: The month of December is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Chosen before time to be the Mother of God Incarnate, Jesus Christ, God created Mary perfect and full of grace, preserving her from the stain of Original Sin. Mary Immaculate is the most beautiful fruit of the work of redemption accomplished by her Son, thereby making her the perfect model of holiness for all Christians.

THE POPE’S MONTHLY INTENTIONS FOR 2024: FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER – FOR PILGRIMS OF HOPE: We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.


Lord God of peace, hear our prayer!

Prayers for Peace |

PRAYER INTENTIONS: Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and all the Saints during this special season of Advent, we humbly pray for God’s grace and mercy as we prepare for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying for hope, faith, love, joy and peace in our world today, as we face these incredibly challenging times. We pray for our children and children all over the world, we pray for their health, safety and well-being, we particularly pray for those who have no one to care for them and those who are terminally ill, we pray for God’s Divine healing upon them. We pray for all parents, all mothers, wives, those going through challenges in their marriages, Victims of verbal and spousal abuse, and we pray for peace, love and unity in our families and our world. Every life is a gift. We pray for God’s deliverance from impossible causes or situations. For all widows and widowers. And we continue to pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, the Bishops, the Clergy, and all those who preach the Gospel. We pray for Vocation to the Priesthood and Religious life. We particularly pray for all Youths and all Seminarians. For the Church, for persecuted Christians, for all the innocent who suffer violence due to political or religious unrest, for the conversion of sinners and Christians all over the world. Amen 🙏

Let us pray:

My Lord of all truth, give me the grace I need to stand firm on all that You have revealed to me. Give me courage to remain firm in the convictions of faith that have been given to me by You. May I proclaim this faith to all whom I encounter so that I can be an instrument of Your love and mercy to the world. Jesus, I trust in You ~ Amen 🙏

Save Us, Savior of the World. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe….have mercy on us. Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saint Adelaide of Burgundy ~ Pray for us🙏

Thanking God for the gift of this day and praying for justice, peace, love and unity in our families and our world and for God’s Divine Mercy and Grace upon us all.
We pray for the safety and well-being of all those traveling during this season of Christmas. Have a blessed, safe, and grace-filled 3rd Week of Advent 🙏

Blessings and  love always, Philomena💖

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