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Pentecost Sunday

Love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13:8

Who we are

Philomena’s journey of faith has led her to discover the profound impact that daily reflection can have on spiritual growth and inner peace. With a heart full of love for Christ and His Church, she shares her reflections with the hope of touching the hearts and souls of readers worldwide.


Philomena – means “daughter of light”.  St. Philomena (291- 304) Wonder Worker, Virgin and Martyr is a fascinating saint. “To Philomena, nothing is refused .”

St. Philomena, Powerful with God! St. Philomena was a Greek Princess who lived on the Island of Corfu during the third to fourth century. St. Philomena would have been forgotten to history if not for a miraculous vision that identified her with a tomb discovered over 1,500 years later. This and other extraordinary events surrounding St. Philomena have given her a particular reputation for miracles.